Who is Padre Pio? Pio of Pietrelcina (25 May 1887 – 23 September 1968) was a Capuchin priest from Italy who is venerated as a saint in the Catholic Church. He was born Francesco Forgione, and given the name Pio when he joined the Capuchins; he was popularly known as Padre Pio after his ordination to the priesthood. He became famous for his stigmata. On 16 June 2002, he was canonized by Pope John Paul II.
To know more about him, click here.
You can read more about the miracles of Padre Pio here.
I came to know about the life and miracles of Padre Pio since February 2003 during the visit of the Pilgrim image of our Lady of Fatima in the Philippines particularly in Mandaluyong, I was priviledge to attend the vigil for our Lady and there together with Mama Mary was the relic of Padre Pio. I heard also of the testimonies of some of the people cured of their illnesses thru the intercession of the holy saint. (Pictures below: Pilgrim image of Our Lady of Fatima & Padre Pio's relics)

The center fosters, solicits and encourages devotions to St. Pio and spreads his good works with the help of charitable contributions from the public. It was given the privilege of owning a number of relics of St. Pio. These relics are venerated after our Masses and novena prayers in the chapel.
To know more about The Philippine Centre for St. Pio of Pietrelcina click here.
The Chapel is located in Libis, Quezon City. Along C-5 between Honda Cars - Pasig & the new Petron Station just before Eastwood City.
Whenever I'm tired and needs some solitude and personal prayer I always drop by at the chapel before heading home after work since it is just few walks away from the office. I always feel relieved by just sitting in the chapel, lighting candles at the back of the St. Francis chapel/prayer room or by just reading some of the many testimonials of answered prayers, healing or miracles attributed to Padre Pio.
Here's some of the pictures taken during my visits there.

Hope to see you there as well! c",)
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